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Stacked CLI Pub Version

The Stacked CLI is a part of the stacked_cli package. The CLI was created to speed up development using the Stacked framework.

Getting Started

To get started, install the stacked_cli package on your machine:

dart pub global activate stacked_cli

Creating a new App

To create your first Stacked app, all you need to do is run:

stacked create app my_app

This will create a new flutter app based on your flutter version, add all the code required for a Stacked app and generate the required code. When the command completes navigate into the my_app folder and run the app.

The following arguments are available on create app command:

--help-hPrints this usage information.
--[no-]v1When v1 or use-builder is provided, ViewModelBuilder will be used instead of StackedView.
--template-tSelects the type of starter template to use when creating a new app. One oriented for mobile first or web first. Allowed: mobile, web.
--config-path-cSets the file path for the custom config.
--descriptionThe description to use for your new Flutter project. This string ends up in the pubspec.yaml file.
--orgThe organization responsible for your new Flutter project, in reverse domain name notation.
--platformsThe platforms supported by this project. Platform folders will be generated in the target project. Allowed: ios, android, windows, linux, macos, web
--line-length-lWhen a number is provided, it will be used as the line length for formatting code.

Add a new View

From the root folder of your Stacked application, run the command:

stacked create view login

This will create a new View called LoginView with its associated ViewModel in the ui/views folder. This will also create the ViewModel tests file, as well as add the View to the available routes in app.dart file.

The following arguments are available on create view command:

--help-hPrints this usage information.
--[no-]exclude-routeWhen a route is excluded it will not be added to your app.dart routes collection.
--[no-]v1When v1 or use-builder is provided, ViewModelBuilder will be used instead of StackedView.
--template-tSelects the type of view to create instead of the default empty view.
--config-path-cSets the file path for the custom config.
--line-length-lWhen a number is provided, it will be used as the line length for formatting code.

Add a new Service

From the root folder of your Stacked application, run the command:

stacked create service stripe

This will create a new Service called StripeService in the services folder and add it to the dependencies in the app.dart file.

The following arguments are available on create service command:

--help-hPrints this usage information.
--[no-]exclude-dependencyWhen a route is excluded it will not be added to your app.dart routes collection.
--template-tSelects the type of service to create instead of the default empty service.
--config-path-cSets the file path for the custom config.
--line-length-lWhen a number is provided, it will be used as the line length for formatting code.

Add a new Bottom Sheet

From the root folder of your Stacked application, run the command:

stacked create bottom_sheet alert

This will create a new BottomSheet called AlertSheet in the ui/bottom_sheets folder and add it to the dependencies in the app.dart file. By default, this will also create a SheetModel and the unit test file. If you only want a BottomSheet without a model and their test you just need to pass the flag --no-model to the command.

The following arguments are available on create bottom_sheet command:

--help-hPrints this usage information.
--[no-]exclude-routeWhen a route is excluded it will not be added to your app.dart routes collection.
--[no-]modelWhen model is provided, StackedView will be used instead of StatelessWidget and a Model will be created. Defaults: true.
--template-tSelects the type of bottom sheet to create instead of the default empty bottom sheet.
--config-path-cSets the file path for the custom config.
--line-length-lWhen a number is provided, it will be used as the line length for formatting code.

Add a new Dialog

From the root folder of your Stacked application, run the command:

stacked create dialog error

This will create a new Dialog called ErrorDialog in the ui/dialogs folder and add it to the dependencies in the app.dart file. By default, this will also create a DialogModel and the unit test file. If you only want a Dialog without a model and their test you just need to pass the flag --no-model to the command.

The following arguments are available on create dialog command:

--help-hPrints this usage information.
--[no-]exclude-routeWhen a route is excluded it will not be added to your app.dart routes collection.
--[no-]modelWhen model is provided, StackedView will be used instead of StatelessWidget and a Model will be created. Defaults: true.
--template-tSelects the type of dialog to create instead of the default empty dialog.
--config-path-cSets the file path for the custom config.
--line-length-lWhen a number is provided, it will be used as the line length for formatting code.

Add a new Widget

From the root folder of your Stacked application, run the command:

stacked create widget users_list

This will create a new Widget called UsersList with its associated WidgetModel called UsersListModel in the ui/widgets/common/users_list folder. This will also create the WidgetModel test file inside test/widget_models/.

The following arguments are available on create view command:

--help-hPrints this usage information.
--[no-]modelWhen model is provided, StackedView will be used instead of StatelessWidget and a Model will be created.
--template-tSelects the type of widget to create instead of the default empty widget.
--config-path-cSets the file path for the custom config.
--path-pSets the path for the component.
--line-length-lWhen a number is provided, it will be used as the line length for formatting code.

Generate Code

When you've changed something manually, or added a new model, instead of executing the command flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs you can simply run stacked generate.

Update CLI

When you want to update the stacked_cli app, instead of executing the command dart pub global activate stacked_cli you can simply run stacked update.

Use the CLI with Existing Project

Using the Stacked CLI with an existing project takes a little bit more effort than above. There are a few things that you have to ensure:

  1. You need to have your app file in lib/app/app.dart
  2. If you have tests setup as presented in the unit testing videos your helper file should be test/helpers/test_helpers.dart
  3. You tell Stacked where to make the modifications

The way we know where to add modifications into your code is by reading what we call a template identifier. This tells our tools, "At this position you can make a modification". For now, we only have four scaffolding commands:

Create View

This command creates all the scaffolding to add a new View into the project:

  1. Creates a new folder with the View name in lib/ui/views/
  2. Creates the new View and ViewModel files in lib/ui/views/view_name/
  3. Creates the ViewModel tests file in the test/viewmodel_tests/ folder
  4. Adds the route to the lib/app/app.dart file

For us to achieve #4, we need to know where to add the route and its import. To indicate that we use the template identifiers, open your lib/app/app.dart file and under the last import, add:

// @stacked-import

And underneath your last route add:

// @stacked-route

Now if you run stacked create view profile you'll see that all the files are generated AND we also add the route into your app.dart file. The modifications are optional so if you don't have the template identifiers, Stacked will still generate the necessary files but won't automatically add the route to your app.dart file. Everything else will still work though.

Create Service

This command creates all the scaffolding to add a new Service into the project:

  1. Creates a new Service file in lib/services/
  2. Creates the unit tests file in test/services/
  3. Registers the Service with your StackedApp
  4. Adds the Service Mock into the test_helpers and registers it

For us to achieve #3, we need to know where to add the dependency registration. Open your lib/app/app.dart file and under the last dependency registration, add:

// @stacked-service

For us to achieve #4, we need to know where to add the Service Mock. Open your test_helpers.dart file and under all the imports, add:

// @stacked-import

Under your last MockSpec<T>(), add:

// @stacked-mock-spec

Under your last getAndRegisterService that creates a Mock and returns it, add:

// @stacked-mock-create

Under your last Service registration in registerServices, add:

// @stacked-mock-register

Now, when you run stacked create service user, you'll see the files created for the UserService and all the registration will happen automatically.

Create BottomSheet

This command creates all the scaffolding to add a new BottomSheet into the project:

  1. Creates a new folder with the Sheet name in lib/ui/bottom_sheets/
  2. Creates a new Sheet file in lib/ui/bottom_sheets/sheet_name/
  3. Registers the BottomSheet with your StackedApp

For us to achieve #3, we need to know where to add the dependency registration. Open your lib/app/app.dart file and under the last dependency registration inside bottomsheets property of StackedApp, add:

// @stacked-bottom-sheet

Now if you run stacked create bottom_sheet alert you'll see that all the files are generated AND we register the SheetBuilder into BottomSheetService. The modifications are optional so if you don't have the template identifiers, Stacked will still generate the necessary files but won't automatically register the dependencies. Everything else will still work though.

Create Dialog

This command creates all the scaffolding to add a new Dialog into the project:

  1. Creates a new folder with the Dialog name in lib/ui/dialogs/
  2. Creates a new Dialog file in lib/ui/dialogs/dialog_name/
  3. Registers the Dialog with your StackedApp

For us to achieve #3, we need to know where to add the dependency registration. Open your lib/app/app.dart file and under the last dependency registration inside dialogs property of StackedApp, add:

// @stacked-dialog

Now if you run stacked create dialog error you'll see that all the files are generated AND we register the DialogBuilder into DialogService. The modifications are optional so if you don't have the template identifiers, Stacked will still generate the necessary files but won't automatically register the dependencies. Everything else will still work though.


If you want to use stacked_cli in a package that doesn't fit the structure that the CLI expects, then you can configure Stacked to look in the correct places. Create a new file in the root folder of your package called stacked.json. Inside the file, create a JSON body with the following properties:

bottom_sheets_pathThe path where BottomSheets will be generated.
dialogs_sheets_pathThe path where Dialogs will be generated.
line_lengthPassed into the Flutter formatter when running CLI commands.
locator_nameThe name of the locator that Services are registered with. This is used when creating a new Service using the create service command.
prefer_webDetermines to use or not web template when no template argument is passed.
register_mocks_functionThe name of the function that registers all the Mocks when running a test. This is used when generating a test file during create service command.
services_pathThe path where Services will be generated.
stacked_app_file_pathThe path to the file that contains the StackedApp setup.
test_helpers_file_pathThe path to the file that contains the test helpers (mocks, registerService, etc).
test_services_pathThe path where the unit tests of the Services will be generated.
test_views_pathThe path where the unit tests of the ViewModels will be generated.
test_widgets_pathThe path where the unit tests of the Widgets will be generated.
v1Indicates whether you want to use ViewModelBuilder (v1) or StackedView (v2).
views_pathThe path where Views and ViewModels will be generated.
widgets_pathThe path where Widgets and WidgetModels will be generated.

Only include the paths you want to customize. If you exclude a path, the default value will be used for it.

Default Stacked configuration

"bottom_sheets_path": "ui/bottom_sheets",
"dialogs_path": "ui/dialogs",
"line_length": 80,
"locator_name": "locator",
"prefer_web": true,
"register_mocks_function": "registerServices",
"services_path": "services",
"stacked_app_file_path": "app/app.dart",
"test_helpers_file_path": "helpers/test_helpers.dart",
"test_services_path": "services",
"test_views_path": "viewmodels",
"test_widgets_path": "widget_models",
"v1": false,
"views_path": "ui/views",
"widgets_path": "ui/widgets/common"

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